Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea

Tip Sheet #46

Everyone wants to matter

Two weeks ago, I shared with you part of my fascination in what I will call the pull from the dark side.  You know by now that I believe there will come a time in every person’s career where you will be faced with a career defining choice. Will you stay committed to your personal success and the success of your organization or will you somehow become that disengaged, unfocused and miserable worker?  You know that colleague of yours that I am talking about.  The person that hates coming to work, can’t wait to leave and never hesitates in sharing those beliefs with you.  It just doesn’t happen in schools.  It happens in every place of business.

However, and this is a big however, the principal in your school can recognize this and can work to combat it.  I had always thought that this was your problem but over time I have come to realize it is more my problem and as the principal of the school, I can do something about it!   I never spent enough time or effort in working to prevent what I will call this “dark side syndrome.”  Over the next few tip sheets we will spend some time talking about it.

I never realized until recently, and yes maybe I am a blockhead, that everyone wants to matter.  This is so easy to understand when you can step away from the day to day grind but it is so difficult to see when you are in the trenches.  I used to wonder why some people will serve on a board of education.  It is usually a thankless job that eats your time and emotions.  But I have come to realize that some of these people do this because once they are on the board, they just matter.  They matter to someone.  They can define themselves by how they matter.

So, how do you make your staff feel that they matter?  Yes, that is the hard part.  If they know that they matter, they will be more hesitant to join forces with the dark side.  I think you start showing that people matter to you and your school by recognizing them.  No, I am not talking about some big ceremony, I am talking about your day to day interactions that will tell the person that you care about them.  You are happy that they are in your school and on your team.  Start by saying good morning and progress to showing real interest in what they are doing both at school and in their personal life.  Get to know them.  When you visit their classroom, point out the good before you talk about the opportunities to improve.  Be accessible and be that good communicator that you had hoped to be.

Remember it all starts with you, the principal.  Each person must matter to you because if they do not, they will surely find someone on the dark side who they matter to.

Make it your daily goal to make people matter.  You will not regret it.


Several weeks ago, I asked you to take some time and share with me some of your stories as how you have fought the power of the dark side.  Please take a moment to help me learn more about this very interesting phenomenon of mine. Thanks.  [email protected]