Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea

Tip Sheet #45

Leadership according to Yoda

I must confess that I have a special affinity for fictional green characters.  I identify with many of the characteristics of Shrek and marvel at the wisdom that comes from Yoda.  In their own special ways, both characters can provide great insight into many human qualities such as wisdom, compassion and love.  And yes, both Yoda and Shrek can shed some light on leadership qualities.

Although Yoda did not say this quote directly, I am convinced that if Yoda was to address a room full of new principals he would tell each one that you either lead or you do not lead.  There is no try!  Let’s take a look at this in some greater depth.

Inasmuch as your school year has either just started or is about to start you must never forget that your teachers and students need and very much want a leader in the principal’s office.

Everyone in the building is searching for that knowledgeable and compassionate leader.  They are looking for someone that leads with confidence and is both visible and accessible.  People want a leader that effectively communicates openly and clearly.

And if your school is anything like the school that I led, you will quickly be faced with a crisis of some sort.  It is in these times that your school community wants the comfort that they are being led by a very competent person.  A leader that can decide under pressure.  A leader that will rise to the occasion.  A leader that will not wilt or fold under pressure.

So, at the end of the day, for you as the principal, for you as the leader, there can be no equivocation.  No vacillation.  You either lead or you do not lead.  Just like Yoda reminds us, there is no try.  And never forget that if you do not lead and there is vacuum at the top, someone else will lead and no one will ever forget that you did not seize that leadership moment.  Good luck!