• Leadership

    Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea Op-ed #14  Can you coddle someone to greatness? Fact: Absolutely not.  You have to coach them hard! Discussion: Coddle-pamper-infantilize-spoil- indulge-baby All of these words basically infer the same thing, namely, the act of over-protecting of an individual. We will tend to do this many times when we think that…

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  • Leadership

    Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea Op-ed #13  Does paranoia come with leadership? Fact: Leaders can easily become paranoid if they let themselves fall into this trap. Discussion: Yes, it happens.  I have seen it occur over and over again.  Colleagues of mine, yes friends, have let paranoia rule them.  It ruled them and ultimately…

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  • Leadership

    Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea Op-ed #12 Hiring season is upon us.  Are you ready? Fact: You must be serious in your pursuit of the very best candidate.  Period. Exclamation point! Discussion: If you are frequent reader of this blog you already know of my affinity for sports analogies.  Sorry, it is who I…

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