Best Practice /First Year of Teaching / Leadership
Best Practice / First Year of Teaching / Leadership Are we boring our students to death? I am engaged in an ongoing philosophical debate with a colleague and friend. [On an aside, I strongly urge each person to cultivate this type of relationship with someone that will enable you to participate in discourse about our…
Leadership/ First Year of Teaching
Leadership / First Year of Teaching Making the right decision. Today’s post is written as a follow up to my most recent article where I asked you to think about what you stand for. As you progress throughout your career you will called upon to make many decisions. You may be asked to make the…
Leadership /First Year of Teaching
Leadership / First Year of Teaching What Do You Stand For? Everyone stands for something. What is important to you? What do you stand for? As an educator, what is your academic agenda? How do you communicate this agenda to others? I cannot give you the answers to these questions. They are quite personal and…