Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
Tip Sheet #44
The dark side is calling
I had a great deal of fun with the summer of baseball in this blog and the leadership lessons learned from the movie Moneyball. We could probably go on for many more weeks on this topic but it is time to move along.
I also trust that the educators that are reading this blog are gearing up for the start of a new school year. Remember, you have chosen a great profession. A profession that lets you have a “do-over” every year. You can correct your mistakes, change your course of direction and return to your class with a renewed enthusiasm.
I am now starting to focus on my next project. And for this work, we need to think about Star Wars and the constant ebb and flow between good and evil portrayed in this series of films. I have a belief that the culture of your school or organization has a constant push and pull on each member. My subtext for this is that I belief that there is a time in everyone’s career where there is a pull to the “dark side.” This is a place that is chock full of negativity, frustration, discontentment and unhappiness. This is a place where the malcontents live.
I will also argue that there is a time in each person’s career when each of us is tempted to go to this “dark side.” You may have actually crossed over and have come back. So, I am asking for your help in either proving or disproving my hypothesis.
Please take a moment and share with me your experience with this phenomenon.
- Does a “dark side” exist in your school / organization?
- What does it look like?
- How does it summon you?
- What was going on in your career, your school or your personal life to cause you to contemplate becoming a resident in the “dark side.?”
- What factors influenced you with staying with the “force?”
Please take a moment to reply to these questions. Hey, writing could be cathartic and might cause you to reflect as to where you are at mentally at work.
Please e-mail me your thoughts at: [email protected].
Thanks, and “may the force be with you.”