From Idioms to Education
July 13, 2017
“Make a long story short?”
Enough!! Get to the point! How many times have you been in a meeting and these thoughts ran through your head? Likewise, how many times were you in an audience and you knew that you could have conveyed the same information in half of the time? Finally, how many times have you seen a person coming in your direction and you ran the other way because you knew that the 30 second conversation would drag on forever? Sometimes one speaks because they like to hear themselves speak. Other times, when they have the floor they possess the power. We must all look to conserve our words. We are too busy for pointless conversations. But how do you send out this message without being rude or disrespect? How do you convey this without being viewed as unfriendly or cold? That is the difficult part. Please remember that we speak quite loudly through our body language and facial expressions without ever saying a word. If, as a leader we model this type of conversation, I believe our colleagues will follow. Good luck.