Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
30 second time-out #3
Do you just settle?
The minute you start to settle, you start to lose.
My regular readers know my proclivity to use sport metaphors in my articles. Today is not any different. I tend to place leadership accomplishments in either the win or loss column. It works for me. There is one thing that I am very sure of and that is the moment that you settle for anything less than excellence you begin to lose.
I have four core beliefs relative to leadership. And each one of them applies easily on the athletic field, in a classroom or the principal’s office. When you can master these four seemingly simple components of my framework, you put yourself on the path to winning. These four core beliefs are:
- Expectations-You can never settle for anything less than the highest of expectations. If you do, the players that you lead, or the students in the classroom or the teachers in your school will read right through you and they too will learn very quickly how to settle. Let me make one thing clear however, people need a variety of pathways to attain these high expectations.
- Enthusiasm-You get to choose your attitude every day. Approach life and approach your daily tasks with a high level of enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is contagious and your followers will soon adopt the attitude and personality of their leader. Your team is watching you and taking its cues from you.
- Empowerment- Your team needs a personal voice. Provide them that opportunity to be heard.
- Environment-It is up to you to provide and nurture the winning environment. You know it when you see it. Do not let the losers on your team set the tone of the locker room. If you do, winning will become a faraway illusion.
At the end of the day, once you start to settle for anything but the best in your pursuit of excellence, you will undermine any positive strides that you or your team have made.
Settling is easy. Pursuing and expecting excellence is hard. However, my recommendation to you is easy; always expect excellence.