Leadership The art of the meeting-Part 1 I am sure looking at the title of the article today brought you some level of anxiety. You already possess preconceived beliefs about meetings, and they are not good. Contrary to most people, I love meetings. As a coach, I could stare at personnel charts or X’s and…
Leadership Some Quick Reflections on Baseball and Leadership This is the time of year that always signals a rejuvenation for me. The flowers and trees begin to bloom, grass turns green and a new baseball season begins. As a young boy, I can remember oiling my glove, hooking it onto the handlebars of my bicycle…
Leadership / First Year of Teaching / Best Practice
Leadership / First Year of Teaching / Best Practice The Importance of High Expectations The pursuit is the journey, and excellence is the destination. I strongly believe in that statement. My work and my writing reflects this thought. The journey to excellence will become derailed if you do not set high expectations for yourself and…