Leadership / First Year of Teaching / Best Practice
Leadership / First Year of Teaching / Best Practice The Importance of High Expectations The pursuit is the journey, and excellence is the destination. I strongly believe in that statement. My work and my writing reflects this thought. The journey to excellence will become derailed if you do not set high expectations for yourself and…
Leadership / First Year of Teaching
Leadership /First Year of Teaching The allure of the dark side We chose education for a variety of reasons. I want to be altruistic, sincere, and optimistic and believe people go into education to make a difference in the lives of children. They are in it for the kids. A valued colleague and I have…
Leadership-Principal Summer Reflections II
Principal Summer Reflections Part II Marketing 101 In past articles I have covered some key leadership ideas. I encourage you to read prior articles and review the following posts: Summer Reflections: July 8, Okay is not Okay: June 21 and Your Image: June 7. In this week’s article, I would like to expand on this…