Leadership / First Year of Teaching
Leadership / First Year of Teaching The importance of gratitude In my last article, I spoke about the importance of that one special teacher. Most educators never realize their personal significance in the lives of their students. It is just natural for them. I was surprised by the amount of positive feedback that I received…
Leadership / First Year of Teaching
Leadership /First year of Teaching Complacency-The Poison of Excellence When addressing his players, Vince Lombardi, the legendary Hall of Fame Football Coach of the Green Bay Packers once said, “Gentlemen, we will chase perfection, and we will chase it relentlessly, knowing all the while we can never attain it. But along the way, we shall…
Leadership-Principal Summer Reflections II
Principal Summer Reflections Part II Marketing 101 In past articles I have covered some key leadership ideas. I encourage you to read prior articles and review the following posts: Summer Reflections: July 8, Okay is not Okay: June 21 and Your Image: June 7. In this week’s article, I would like to expand on this…