Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea

Tip Sheet #66
Have you evolved as a leader?
You never remain static. You are constantly evolving and changing. To drill this down a bit more, you are either getting better or you are getting worse. I know that when I was a principal, I would sometimes paint declining test scores as remaining static. This was spin doctoring. They were getting worse. I was trying to paint a positive picture. The same can be said of your leadership skills. You too, are either getting better or you are getting worse. Do not kid yourself, you are not staying the same. That being said, I decided to do some self-reflection to see how I evolved as a leader.
For much of my career, like many leaders, I thought it was all about me. I thought that I could out-work anyone, learn new things, take some risks and move my school. I was able to complete some good things, but now I sit and think about what we could have accomplished with a different mindset. Please notice the use of we as compared to I!
I know now that leadership is all about:
- Relationships. You are not going to move any project or show any growth as an individual or as a school alone or in isolation. You need people.
- Hiring the right people. Take your time and hire those that will fit into the culture of your school. I know that most times, I rushed the process and paid for it in the end.
- Developing a sense of loyalty. Yes, we sometimes forget that loyalty is a two-way street. It is a give and take. You must be loyal to your team and once this bond of loyalty and trust has been established the loyalty that you show will be reciprocated.
- Supporting your team. Now that your team is in place, you better support them. Make sure that you provide them the resources that they need to do their job. When I speak of resources, I think more globally than just ‘things.” I think in terms of training, professional development and emotional support. You must build a safety net for your team where people feel secure and are willing to be creative and take a risk.
- Giving credit to your team. You must force yourself to remember that it is not about you. It is about your team and the work that this team accomplished. You need to step back into the shadows and give credit and praise to your team. And while you are at it, never forget to show gratitude.
- Never forgetting the grass roots population. Know that you will only be able to take your school or organization so far without the support of the grass roots population. You can never lose track of the members of your school who are in the trenches everyday working their hardest.
Take a moment. Where do you see yourself as a leader? Make the right changes. Grow as a person and especially as a leader. Do not wait until it is too late to understand what is important—YOUR PEOPLE!