Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea

Quick hits #2
Do you know how it is supposed to run?
Fact: You are the new boss. It will run as you tell it how to run. WRONG!!!
You have just been hired to your first principal’s position. You cannot wait to get started. Everyone will now do it your way. If it was only that easy.
I can look at the picture that accompanies today’s post and probably know just two things. I think that I know where to put the oil and I think that I can charge a battery. Other than that, I do not have a clue as to what makes the engine tick. You may not have a clue as to what makes your new school tick.
Just think of your new assignment as that engine. You may know many of the principles behind the operation of this engine, but you clearly do not know the subtle nuances that might make this specific engine tick. I have been around long enough to know that some engines need to be “stroked” or “kicked” a certain way to get them to purr.
Before you run into your new position with your head down, throwing everything out, and implementing your new ways, it is essential to learn how your school has run. Just like that engine, you must know where it needs to be kicked or stroked.
When you become the boss, keep your eyes and ears wide open and keep your mouth closed. It is essential that you learn the nuts and bolts of your new building. Learn what makes it tick. Learn who possesses the power. Learn the informal social structure and all of the nuances that it brings.
Once you learn these things, your implantation plan of your personal vision and goals will go much easier. You won’t have to waste time re-doing many of the simple things that you want done. Learn that you have many roads to choose to get to your own destination. And yes, all of the roads may lead to that end result. Pick the road that gets you there the quickest and with the least collateral damage.
I have been involved in situations that when the boss left, everyone left including the secretarial and clerical staff. It was clean sweep for the new “head coach.” You will not be that lucky in your new school or new assignment. You will have to navigate the mine field of “your new way” or the “old way” of your predecessor(s).
Take your time and be careful! You will get there. Be patient.