Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
Game time adjustments #10

Can you BYOE?
Fact: Maybe yes, maybe no. Sometimes?
I am convinced that each person reading this article today knows how to BYOB. However, do you know how to BYOE? More specifically, Bring Your Own Energy. For most of us, I am afraid to say, it is a sometimes proposition. And then I must ask, is sometimes enough?
This phenomenon of bringing one’s own energy has been repeatedly heard from the Baltimore Ravens as they progress through this crazy season with no bars and restaurants around the stadium being open, no tailgating, and no 70,000 fans cheering inside of the stadium. Stars such as Mark Ingram and RG III have been eloquent in imploring their teammates that it is now up to them to come to work every day prepared to play regardless of the absence of the sideshow effects of a typical NFL football game. Yes, each person must BYOE. Each person must arrive daily with the proper motivation to bring that winning individual effort to the team.
There is no doubt that players feed off of this energy that the fans and circus like atmosphere of game day brings. Now, it is up to each player within the team to help each other bring that special energy that is needed to be competitive. That special energy that is needed to win.
Is this a simple case study of intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation? Perhaps it is. Some may argue that within our schools, real learning will not take place until students come prepared each day intrinsically motivated to learn. Unless this is the case, teachers, administrators, and coaches will spend a great deal of time banging their heads uselessly against the wall. Teachers, principals, and yes parents, become outside carnival barkers seeking to help each student to bring their own personal energy to school every day.
Likewise, every teacher, and every principal and administrator must also bring their own energy to work on a daily basis. You will get no argument from me that this energy level tends to ebb and flow, but at the end of the day, week, month, semester, or school year, it is imperative that the adults in the building have brought their A game as far as energy and commitment to their job is concerned.
So tomorrow, I ask each person as they leave the door for work, just like when you go to that BYOB restaurant, and you make sure that your wine bag is with you, to BRING YOUR OWN ENERGY (BYOE) to school. Without the wine and without your energy, the meal won’t be quite as enjoyable. I can promise you that!