Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
Game time adjustments #8

Can anyone be a Jedi?
Fact: Although there could be a great discussion relative to my question and perhaps dissent to my answer, everyone cannot be a Jedi.
That’s right, it takes a very special person to be a Jedi.
A Jedi must pursue knowledge and wisdom. A Jedi must be a seeker and defender of peace. Those that are the Jedi in your school will be the protectors of your school. They will fight for what is good.
The Jedi have a special sort of inner strength and are extremely loyal. Although emotions do not necessarily flow from a Jedi, they have proven to show compassion.
The Jedi believe in the powers of the Force and exhibit a sort of mindfulness about it. They will control their negative emotions.
Jedi are humble and patient and do not operate with a revenge agenda.
For me, the Jedi are the good guys. They are the ones that you want on your team. I can easily point to the Jedi in my school. And I can just as easily point to those that are on the dark side. As the principal, you have to reach those that are undecided as to what path to follow, the light side or the dark side. To develop that positive school culture, you will need more Jedi walking in your hallways because the allure of the dark side is quite strong and glamorous. And quite destructive.
So, let’s get back to the question of this article today. The potential to be a Jedi must be somehow written in a person’s DNA. We have talked about this topic before on these pages. And my answer has not changed. Yes, the potential to be Jedi is scripted in one’s DNA but it takes a great deal of training and nurturing to reach that Jedi status. Everyone who has the potential in his or her DNA cannot necessarily become a Jedi. Understanding that belief will illustrate how important the hiring practice has to be. A process that school administrators tend to neglectfully put on the back burner. I know that more times than not, I did. I implore all leaders to pause and think about how he or she hires people. You must find that potential Jedi and then teach and coach them and then teach and coach them some more. The training can never end. It is a long journey.
Next week, we will take a look at the dark side, a seductive and perhaps a more attractive place. You see, Star Wars, just like life and just like life in your school, is all about choices. It is up to you to make the right choice.