Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
Op-ed #29
Is your glass half empty or is your glass half filled?

Fact: On July 8, 2020, it better be half full.
It is tough to be a leader today. Although I felt as if I would always thrive in crisis situations, I am not sure that I would want the stress that my school principal and superintendent colleagues are navigating at this time.
I do know several items that I would like you to think about as you are about to open or not open your schools and districts. Namely:
- Your school community needs a leader at this time. Now is not the time to shrink. People have to see you and hear you. They have to see the confidence that you lead with. They have to trust you. You cannot leave a leadership void at the top. Because if you choose that action, you do not know who or what will fill that void. One thing I know for sure is that if you leave this void, it will not be good for your community or for you in the long run.
- Now is the time that you have to be the eternal optimist. That is sometimes hard for me to say because I find that I tend to be a “glass is half empty” type of guy. Your community has to hear optimism for the future. And I am talking about both the short term and long-term future. Leave your Eeyore personality at home. Now is the time that no matter how overmatched you might feel at any time, your community has to believe that they can and will win this battle. In my long coaching career, I recall two times that I did not believe we could win a game. No matter how hard I tried to hide it, the players saw right through my rouse. Shame on me. And it will be shame on you at this important time if you do not believe in yourself or your team to successfully steer your ship through these rough waters. As Tug McGraw said in his 1973 rallying cry for the New York Mets, “Ya Gotta believe!”
- You need to communicate clearly, frequently and perhaps most importantly, honestly. As we all live through this crazy time of crisis, I am confident that no one wants to be given a snow job. They also want to personally hear from you and gain strength from your leadership. Don’t let them down.
I will keep it simple. Just three things to remember; lead, be positive and communicate. I remain convinced that if you follow these three concepts you will succeed and thrive as a leader. Good luck!