Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
The Principal Coaching Clinic #23

Are your checks always cashed?
You bet your checks are always cashed. And today, with the popularity of direct deposit, I am sure that there are those on your staff that will awake at 12:01 to ensure that the money is in his or her account,
Sadly, these checks will be cashed and the money spent whether that person actually did his or her job to the best of his or her ability. That person will be paid most times regardless of the person’s effort.
This concept hit home to me when I was thinking about the athlete that gets paid whether the team wins or loses. That person will also get paid whether or not he or she put forth a winning effort. I know, that is the way the system has to operate. I get it. But is it right? And in a school, is it fair? Is it fair for the children?
So, my challenge to each school leader today is to make that check mean something. Build a culture where losing efforts are not accepted. There must be no place for losing performances in your school. You know this losing effort when you see it. And what do you do about it? Do you ignore it? I know sometimes I ignored it just because I was not up for the bigger battle. Shame on me. Some of the signs of a losing effort in a school include:
- Boring students to death with an endless supply of worksheets.
- Lecturing the students daily so your class serves as a md-day nap for the students.
- Putting absolutely no thought into your plans or your instructional methodology. Perhaps you even photocopy your plans from the previous year.
- Showing disdain, even contempt for the children.
- Contributing nothing to the life of a school.
- Rushing to beat the students out of the building at dismissal.
You can add to the list. As I said, you know this losing effort when you see it. And if you have too many of your staff performing at this level, your school or organization is in deep trouble. Yet, in most cases, twice a month there will be a check to be cashed, regardless of the effort or the results.
How do you change it? Just like the football team. You can’t fire the players. You can’t fire all of your teachers. You are the head coach. It is up to you to get them to perform. Start by changing the culture of you school. Maybe you have to move some players. Maybe you have to “cut” a player or two to send that message. Whether you are new to your job or not, maybe you have to be the new sheriff in town. Things have to be done differently and people must be held accountable, including you!
Moral of the story: People will continue to “steal” from you if you allow it. And for that person who does little to earn his or her check, it is a clear case of theft. You cannot win by giving everyone a free lunch. Each person must earn it!