• Leadership

    From Idioms to Education Idiom #12 “Best of Both Worlds” Wouldn’t that be nice?   Wouldn’t it be great if we could always experience the “best of both worlds”?  But reality tells us differently.  Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose.  Sometimes a decision goes in our favor and sometimes it does not.  That is life. …

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  • Leadership

    From Idioms to Education Idiom #11 “Cutting Corners” “Been there and done that”.  I am sure you have too.  For me though, most times when I take this approach it comes back to haunt me. “Cutting corners” may seem expedient and prudent but the practice rarely, if ever, allows you to produce the results that…

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  • Leadership

    From Idioms to Education Idiom #10  “Better late than never” Better late than never?  I am not so sure!  Many people rationalize their tardiness in this manner.  For me, this is unacceptable.  This attitude of being “fashionably late” or the notion that “a few minutes late never hurt anyone” is hurtful both to your colleagues,…

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