Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
Tip Sheet #25
It is always sunny in …..
I hope that you fill in your school or place of employment at the end of the previous statement. Never forget that in many ways the “weather” in your district is determined by your very own mindset. Everyday you have the ability to choose what frame of mind you will start the day with. Think about that when your feet hang over the bed when you arise. You can determine if the sun will shine for you.
I know that many times you may have to force yourself to just get out of bed let alone wake up with a positive attitude. However, I am convinced that the more you do this, the easier it becomes.
So, is your day going to be dreary or sunny?
In today’s Newark Star-Ledger, there is an article written by Mark Di Iono where he speaks of this seasonal time as a time for “reflection and renewal”. He was talking about this in a spiritual sense. I want you to think about this as how it might apply to your workplace. Take that “thirty second” time-out to think about how you can finish your year on a very strong note. Push yourself to finish with your head held high. Finish as you started, energized and enthused.
People always speak of that first impression you make. I think the same is true for that last impression. That impression is perhaps more powerful than the first impression. As your “season” ends, how do you want people to remember you?
When you are a bit down, go take in a concert. Current research suggests that by going to a live music event your attendance there will give you a greater benefit for your personal health than a session of relaxing yoga or a pleasurable walk with your dog.
Winners always have a strong fourth quarter! Are you a winner?