Timeout for Leadership-your one-minute leadership idea
Tip Sheet #16
Be prepared—Be always prepared
I never made to the Boy Scouts. I guess you could say that I failed during my Cub Scout days. It just wasn’t it for me. However, to be a successful principal you must live by the Boy Scout motto which is “Be Prepared”. You may ask me, “be prepared for what?” My answer is quite simple. You must be prepared for anything and everything. Because if you are a principal you will be called upon in your career to deal with things you have never thought were possible.
Just when you think you have everything in order you are hit with an unexpected curve ball. It could be something as simple as a change in the weather. Anyone who has ever been in a school knows what it is like with the anticipation of a snow day. Your plans are in all likelihood gone for the day. An early dismissal or a delayed opening can be far more disruptive. But let’s look a bit deeper at a weather issue that is not so obvious. During an extended cold snap, a pipe that runs beneath your building in a crawl space breaks. It floods the area and it goes undetected for a while. You now not only have to deal with a broken pipe which impacts heat but also environmental issues. You are in for days and weeks of unexpected work. I bet you did not think about that as you put your head on the pillow the last night.
Let’s take a look at something much more tragic. A popular senior in your high school commits suicide at home during the night. You receive a late-night phone call telling you of this tragedy. School opens in less than eight hours. You have a lot to do in a very short period of time. You will not be sleeping tonight. You now must lead the school through this unfortunate catastrophe.
In any unexpected or crisis situation the school will be looking for you to provide leadership. Now is the time that you have to be out in front of the events. You have to dig down in your inner self and be that stoic, confident and upbeat leader no matter what obstacle that you encounter. You have to find your inner Winston Churchill.
I will continue to argue that leadership in a school, corporation or a community mimics nature. Inasmuch as nature abhors a vacuum, a school or a school districts abhors a void in leadership. And I assure you that both nature and the school will look to fill this vacant space. That is why it is essential that in times of stress and tragedy, you must stand tall because if you fail this test, someone will fill this emptiness. I have seen this occur and can assure you that a person is always ready to take your place. If you let this happen they will become the unofficial leader of the school and you will never be able to regain your leadership position. The school and the learning community will never be the same. You will never be the same.
Let’s end today on a very positive thought and we will pull once again from the Boy Scouts. This time I challenge you to reflect and take some action on the Boy Scout slogan which is “Do a Good Turn Daily”. Try this and I think you will like it. I know the people around you will like it.